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Health and Safety Policy

It is the policy of the company that it’s operations are carried out at all times in such a way as to ensure, so far is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of it’s employees and all other persons likely to be affected by it’s operations including other contractors and members of the public. 

This policy is the direct responsibility of P. T . Ash ( Managing Director) who is charged with it’s overall implementation. 

Please see the full details in the attached document below.

Parson Ash employ an external Health & Safety Advisor to ensure all our employees are following the Parson Ash policies. This enables our customers to be reassured that maintaining a high level of standards with Health, Safety and Welfare of all employees including other contractors and members of the public which are imperative to Parson Ash. Regular inspections are carried out by the External Advisor and any issues highlighted are reported internally and where required externally. We like to work collaboratively with our customers to ensure Health & Safety is always a priority. We ensure all our employees are trained to the highest and latest standards where possible. Parson Ash are valued members of 2 local Construction training groups, attending regular meetings enabling us to remain updated on the latest news and changes within the industry.