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The horizontal and vertical cracks in the plaster walls of an old house generally occur due to shrinkage and drying after construction. Don’t ignore the 45-degree angle cracks as they indicate settling or structural movement issues and are often quite severe.

Do Plaster Walls Crack Over Time?

Though you don’t have to worry about the performance of a wall you have recently plastered, cracks might develop over time. In other words, cracks are more common in old plaster walls. Though you don’t have to treat cracks on the wall as emergencies, they can impact the visual appeal of your room. There are like wrinkles on one’s face which appears as one becomes old.

Should I Worry About Those Cracks?

Generally, ‘hairline’ cracks are not significant issues. A common cause is blown plaster, where the material loses contact with the wall. You will know that the problem is more severe than you think if the cracks are coming back every time you apply plaster over them.

Plasterers in Hampshire

What Causes Hairline Cracks?

Three common causes of hairline cracks in plaster are changes in the interior environment of the structure, faulty installation and unexpected movement of underlying frames. Plaster is more prone to cracks than drywall as the formers are not bound into a sheet. You can reduce the chances of hairline cracks by hiring experienced Plasterers in Hampshire.

How To Identify A Structural Crack?

You will know that the cracks on the plaster wall are structural if you notice other signs of foundation damage like slanted doors, cracks in porches, sloping floors and sticking doors. Cracks caused due to structural damage can be horizontal along the walls or vertical, with the top being a bit wider than the bottom.

Tips By Plasterers To Stop Plaster From Cracking

Know the right amount of water you should add to the plaster mix. Thick plaster layers with a thickness of more than 15mm are more prone to cracks. Apply plasters in layers with a gap of 3 days if you need more thickness. To stop plaster from cracking, the first thing you have to do is to hire an experienced plasterer for the job instead of trying a DIY just to save money. You can get in touch with the experts at Parson Ash.