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Are you thinking of plastering the walls? When it’s a matter of home renovation, plastering and skimming are the two terms you’ll often come across. Both have the same outcome. However, the processes are different. Plastering is the process of adding thick coats of plaster to the interior and exterior walls of the house. While skimming is the process of adding thin layers of plaster and ensuring a flawless finish. 

Contact professional plasterers in Hampshire for both plastering and skimming services. Plastering or skimming – which is a better option? If you want to know the answer, read on. 

What is Plastering?

A thick layer of plaster coating is applied on the walls. It is a common method of applying mixtures on the walls and ceilings of the house. The plaster solution is generally a mixture of cement, water and sand. However, this is not a DIY project. Rather you must hire a professional plasterer for the same. 

What is Skimming?

Skimming, on the other hand, is the technique of applying fine and thin layers of plasters over the walls. Since thin layers are applied, the walls and ceilings are expected to have a smoother finish. Skim coat plaster is applied only when a base of the original plaster has already been applied on the same. Skimming is commonly done when the plastered walls have cracks or damage. 

What are the Differences Between Both?

The major point of difference is the thickness of the coating layer. Since plastering is the first step of the process, thick coat layers are applied on the raw brick walls. Skimming is the final stage hence very thin layers of plaster coats are applied during this stage. Plastering helps to create a textured finish. On the contrary, skimming creates a smooth finish on the walls and ceilings. 

Plastering is a labour-intensive process, and it is highly time-consuming as well. Plastering can be completed after a day. Skimming, on the other hand, is an easy and less labour-intensive task. Skimming, if done properly, can be completed within a few days. 

However, achieving a good skimmed finish on the plastered walls takes a lot of work. Skimming must be done precisely to achieve a flat, perfect, smooth surface. Hire experienced plasterers for the job.

If you’re looking for experienced plasterers in Hampshire, approach Parson Ash Limited. Our team of experienced plasterers can give you the best outcome for both plastering and skimming services.